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Making Improvements One Step at a Time.

​APC has been busy working with representatives from the Toyota Production Support Centre (TSSC) to implement the Toyota Production System (TPS​) and the 14 Principles of the Toyota Way.​​

The objective of TPS is to encourage people to rise and solve problems. By implementing the Toyota Production System, APC hopes to produce high- quality goods with shorter lead times, eliminate waste associated the with 7 Wastes; as outlined by the Toyota Production Support Centre, and make continuous improvements based on the idea small, ongoing positive changes can make major changes (Kaizen).

The Toyota Production System has also taught us that our people (team members) are our most valuable resource and it is hoped that by implementing the TPS, they feel more engaged and empowered.

The project, so far, has involved warehousing and has had two aims: to increase safety and to increase DIFOT (delivery in full, on time) by placing our customers first and delivering only the highest quality products with the shortest lead time. Other benefits will also surface as a result of implementing the TPS and include eliminating: overburden, inconsistency and waste.

TSSC has made two visits to our manufacturing facility in Perth. The first visit involved evaluating DIFOT and the processes which feed into it. The second involved learning how to identify problems leading to late orders and ways in which to solve them through root cause analysis and countermeasure activity.

As a result of these visits, we have learned some valuable tools and have increased communication between senior management and staff which has involved a daily meeting with all warehouse personnel and management. We have also implemented a series of visual tools to map our process, including a performance board, a problem-solving board and a daily task board.

The problem-solving board has allowed us to document any issues that arise. From here, we will determine the root cause, devise countermeasures and produce a documented action plan/process which can be implemented and also referred back to when the same or a similar issue arises.  The Toyota Production System encourages evaluation of a problem by considering man, method, machine and material. For instance, considering how has man affected the problem, how has method affected the problem, and so forth.

Toyota’s next visit will be later this month and will focus on fault finding through root cause analysis, and refining practices to eliminate those identified faults. This visit will encompass all business processes such as warehouse operations, drafting and design, estimating and marketing.

APC has been working hard to make positive changes within in the workplace which we hope will extend to all our staff and client base. Stay posted for further updates.